Friday, March 28, 2008

My Thoughts on Intercultural Communication

This week we read about and chatted about intercultural communication in the classroom. I personally think that foreign language learners should be exposed to the culture that they are studying as much as possible. Through communication with native speakers of the language that they are studying they can also learn about cultural aspects that go along with that language at the same time. It would be interesting for language learners to ask the native speakers questions about their native culture. Through a asynchronic communication such as discussion board or email students can communicate with eachother about cultural issues that are in the news or they can discuss stereotypes that surround their own cultures and the culture of the language that they are studying.
I think that I would like to have some sort of intercultural communication in my classroom. I would like to set up my students that are Spanish learners with local students that are Spanish speakers and are ESL students. I think that through communication the students can learn about eachother's cultures while practicing the language at the same time.
To me intercultural communication is a "win-win" communication over all!


Dr. L said...

I agree with your "win-win" statement, obviously! :-)

Meredith said...

I like your idea about having them discuss the stereotypes. This will really open their eyes about another culture.